Earning the Distinguished Toastmaster award in Pathways requires the completion of a number of projects and service roles. It is similar but different to the Distinguished Toastmaster award in the traditional education program, however, it does require about the same amount of effort on the part of the member.

  1. Complete any two (2) paths.
  2. Serve as a club officer for 12 months and participate in a district-sponsored club officer training (often called a TLI or Toastmasters Leadership Institute.) [See note 1]
  3. Serve a complete one-year term as a district officer.
  4. Successfully serve as a club mentor or club coach. [See note 2]
  5. Successfully serve as a club sponsor or conduct either a Speechcraft or Youth Leadership program.
  6. Complete the DTM project. (See How Do I Get to the DTM Project)


  1. If your club has six-month terms for officers, you can fulfill this requirement by serving as a club officer twice, but you don’t have to do it in consecutive terms.
  2. To be a successful club coach, you must coach your assigned club to Distinguished status (or better) by June 30th of the current Toastmasters year. If you don’t achieve that by the end of your first year, you should receive an automatic extension of one year.

Source: https://www.toastmasters.org/education/distinguished-toastmaster